Full Blooded Page 11
We rolled again, my arms coming around his body tightly. As we fought, my body continued to change and morph. We rolled twice before smashing against the plywood inside my sliding glass door. It wavered for a moment before it crashed down on top of us, startling my attacker.
It was the edge I needed. As the werewolf lifted his head and shoulders up to dislodge the wood, I slid my feet into his soft underbelly. Then I punched my legs forward, tossing him, and the board, off me in one powerful thrust.
Blood ran down my legs. As I brought my legs back, I saw that my claws had ripped through my running shoes, tearing into his belly, eviscerating him.
Foot claws were definitely a dandy new feature.
The plywood crashed into my breakfast bar a split second before my attacker hit it, snapping the board in half with a decisive clap.
He was up in the next moment, and so was I.
His dirty yellow eyes narrowed on me and he shook his head. The toss and the stomach wound weren’t going to stop him, but he was more leery of me now.
“Not what you were expecting, huh? You filthy piece of crap.” My voice came out low and gravelly, surprising me. It sounded nothing like my normal tone. My eyebrows shot up and I glanced down the length of my body.
I was partially changed.
It hadn’t occurred to me, but if I had to stop now to finish the shift, I’d be dead before I woke up and old yellow eyes over there would chuckle as he let himself out my front door.
I extended both my arms in front of me. The werewolf growled, but stayed put.
My claws were fully formed, sharp and nasty-looking. The backs of my hands, all the way up my arms, were covered in a smoky gray fur. Muscles bulged where I had no idea muscles should be. I brought a finger up to my jaw, patting it carefully against my nose. My snout had extended, giving room to my new massive canines, but it wasn’t a full muzzle. My hair was down, flowing all over the place. It had burst from its keepings at some point and was irritatingly long. I was thankful my attacker didn’t have hands.
I lifted a leg. Thick muscle stretched my shiny spandex to its absolute limit. Holes dotted the seams where the fabric had started to give way, and gray fur shot through in patches.
Even though I was busy taking inventory, my wolf was deathly focused on our intruder. The werewolf circled us slowly, sniffing the air and growling fiercely. He was healing at an alarming rate. He was massively injured, and my self-examination was aiding his recovery time. I couldn’t risk a drop and change now, and I had no idea if my body would force a shift on me, but I had no choice but to continue fighting and hope I could beat him before he killed me.
“Didn’t think I could kick your ass, did you?” I growled. “You should’ve thought of that the first time. Now it’s time to come and get it.” I didn’t wait for him to respond. I lunged at him quick as lightning, my arms locking around his neck before he could register his surprise. I went for the kill. He struggled hard as I yanked him up, my elbow cocked under his muzzle, his bulky head forced back against my shoulder with no wiggle room.
I wrenched back, dragging him with me as I pivoted on the floor, my new claws digging into the floorboards to stabilize me. I spun hard, gaining momentum. My strength amazed me. There was no way I should be this strong. Manhandling the weight of this werewolf didn’t even register.
In one clean motion, I twisted his neck and flung him straight at the brick wall my apartment shared with the outside. He crashed into it like a wrecking ball. The bricks held as several pops rang out and he fell to the floor.
“Good riddance,” I snarled. More like gurgled. My hand went to my neck, still surprised by how I sounded.
My head turned toward the noise a second before my door exploded inward.
James, my father’s second, barreled into my apartment, his eyes glowing amber. “What in the bloody hell’s going on?” His accent was thick, and it echoed off my walls like a shot, making me quiver. He was a very strong wolf, even in human form.
I stared stupidly at him.
Then I turned and pointed a clawed finger at the mass still lying inert on the floor.
James reached the fallen wolf in three steps, putting a hand into his fur, searching for life. “Neck’s broken. No pulse.”
I spun around to face the door as my brother shot into the room, followed closely by Nick and Danny.
Tyler came to a screeching halt in front of me, his eyebrows at his hairline, his mouth open. “What the—”
Nick pulled up just short of plowing right into him, but steadied himself quickly. He locked eyes on me.
Danny stopped beside Tyler’s left shoulder, covering his mouth in a gesture he usually used when he was trying hard to stop himself from uttering something completely vulgar.
Everyone was motionless for a few seconds.
Then Danny dropped his hand and uttered one single word in a thunderstruck whisper. “Lycan.”
I had no idea what was happening. The adrenaline still pumped through my veins like a raging river, but very slowly my body eased itself back to normal. My teeth and nails receded and my muscles softened. When I found my voice, it sounded normal again. “What’s the matter with you guys?” I asked. “Shut the damn door before my whole floor knows what’s going on! We need to clean this up. Yes, I didn’t finish my shift, so the hell what? You can stare at me all you want later! Let’s get moving before the cops arrive.”
Nobody moved.
I stared at Nick, who still looked confused. “Get out to the hallway! There was enough screaming and banging in here to raise the goddamn dead. You’re going to have to use your gift quickly before there’s a herd of people clamoring on my doorstep.”
He continued to stare at me with a dumb look on his face.
“Now, Nick!” I yelled. “Go!”
He shook himself and turned on his heel, darting back into the hallway. Voices were already gathering. Maybe they weren’t sure which apartment it was coming from. That would be a miracle.
It felt like the fight had gone on for hours, but in actuality it had only been about five minutes at the most. If the police weren’t here in the next five, it really would be a miracle.
I turned to Danny. “Danny, if you haven’t already guessed, there’s a breach in your security. No way this guy should’ve gotten through, unless he was somehow spelled. Now get the hell out there and help Nick while we cover our tracks. If the cops show, we’re screwed. We’re going to need time to get him”—I pointed to the dead wolf—“out of here as soon as possible.”
Danny’s face broke into a wide grin. “Will do. I’ll get to the bottom of it, and whoever’s responsible for letting him in will pay in full, I assure you.” He ducked into the hallway.
James still crouched next to the dead wolf, who was now in the process of changing back into his human form. When wolves died, they reverted back to their humanness. It was an adaptation insurance policy.
Tyler was the only other person left in the room.
He stared at me. “Cut it out,” I accused. “You’re freaking me out.”
He took a step toward me. “It can’t be.” His voice tinged with fear. “Jess, this just can’t be possible.”
“Tyler.” You’re pissing me off, I said inside his head. Out loud I continued, “I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about. But if you haven’t noticed, we’re kind of in the middle of a crisis here.” I gestured angrily toward the dead body, and then to the hallway. There were twice as many voices out there as before.
He still didn’t move.
“Okay, fine,” I said, crossing my arms across my chest. Thank goodness my shirt was still in one piece, even though it had ripped in a few places. “You want to label me a freak because I didn’t finish my shift? Fine, I’m a freak. But, honestly, it’s a damn good thing I didn’t have to drop to change, or I’d likely be dead right now. Then all your gruesome death visions of me would’ve been accurate, and my bloody, broken body would’ve haunted your dreams foreve
r. Do you really think Furry Joe over there would’ve waited patiently for me to finish my shift? There was no time!”
“Jess, that’s not—”
“Tyler!” I yelled. I was finished with this conversation. “We can talk about this later. If we don’t get this body out of here before Ray arrives, he will bring the entire police force down on our heads. If he finds a dead man in my apartment—I go to jail. Period. We cannot kill the entire police force!”
Tyler physically shook himself and walked over to the body. He crouched beside James and asked, “Do you recognize him?”
“No.” James took in a deep breath, mouth open, nostrils flared. “His scent doesn’t register at all, so I know I’ve never met him face-to-face either.”
My cell phone rang.
It was on the floor in the corner, where my purse had been flung when I’d been attacked. I was surprised it was still intact. I walked over and punched the talk button without looking at the number.
I knew exactly who it was.
“Jessica!” my father roared into the phone. I pulled it several feet away from my eardrum. “What in the hell is going on? Your wolf called to mine for a second time tonight, and you cut me off again! Goddammit! I can’t help you if you keep doing that!” His anger was palpable. It sent a searing, physical wave into the room and attacked my emotions on so many levels.
James’s face was inscrutable. Tyler looked away. They both went back to figuring out how to get the mystery man off the floor, ignoring my conversation completely.
I paced away, back into my bedroom. “I’m sorry, Dad. Honestly, I have no idea what’s going on. I didn’t mean to block you again. It’s nothing I’m doing on purpose. I don’t feel a trigger from you or anything. If I did, I would’ve answered right away.”
“Jessica, just tell me what’s going on down there,” he said, forcibly trying to calm himself. “I’m trying to keep you safe, and it seems I’ve missed the godforsaken mark entirely. This can’t keep happening. I feel you, I know something’s wrong, and I can’t figure out what’s going on. It’s maddening.”
“Dad, my secret is out. There’s no slipping under the radar anymore. Someone knows. There was a rogue waiting for me when I got home. I was careless, thinking about other … things”—there was no way I was going into that—“and I wasn’t paying attention. I have no idea how he got in. It must’ve been the balcony, because I didn’t smell him in the hall. It was a mistake thinking I could fly undetected for even one day.” I sat down on my bed, feeling defeated.
“We made a grave mistake,” my father said. “I made a mis-take when I sent you home. I should’ve listened to my gut. I knew it was going to be risky no matter what we did, but I should’ve kept you here, where I could’ve protected you myself. I was dreaming, hoping the wolves would stay calm. It was a mistake.”
“There was no way you could’ve known for sure,” I said. “None of us knew. We had to try. I don’t regret trying. I liked my life. I’m sorry to see it go.”
After a beat of silence. “Tell me what happened,” he said. “All of it.”
I gave him a complete replay of the entire evening. I started with the imp and ended with walking into my apartment, minus the sexcapade.
When I got to the part about changing only partially into my wolf form, I faltered. “Then I gave physical control over to my wolf … and I started to change … but … I sort of stopped midway through … Um, I’m actually not quite sure what happened …”
His silence was so deep it scared me.
I waited a few beats. “Dad?”
“Did you hold this form for long? Were you able to fight in it?”
“I’ll be down there first thing in the morning. I’m calling a Pack Council meeting tonight. The entire Council should be able to make it into the city by eight a.m. if they leave now. If your secret is officially out, we will address it then to the whole Pack. This thing will be out and we will deal with it accordingly.”
“Dad!” I shouted. “You can’t leave it like that. What’s going on? You have to tell me what’s going on. Danny said a word … he said ‘Lycan’ to me. What did he mean? I know what a Lycan is, but why did he call me that?”
Lycans were our ancestors, the original werewolves. We evolved from them thousands of years ago. We were different from them now, but I didn’t know exactly how or why.
“Jessica, we will talk about this tomorrow,” he said firmly.
“I want to talk about it now.”
After years of dealing with each other, we’d both learned some very valuable lessons. If my father had no intention of telling me over the phone, he would hang up and that would be that. I would either accept his decision or hold it against him later, making his life harder than it needed to be.
I waited.
He sighed. “Jessica, I don’t know anything for sure, because I haven’t seen it myself, but I think it means you are able to do something no other werewolf has been able to do for thousands of years. There have only been myths and legends floating around about what our ancestors were truly capable of doing.”
“What do you mean?”
He sighed. “A True Lycan has not been witnessed in my lifetime. The term ‘Lycan’ specifically means you are able to maintain a perfect suspended form between beast and human. You are able to shift at will, while maintaining your human form. No other wolf can do such a thing.” He paused. “Including myself.”
Holy crap.
“It’s the ultimate fighting weapon, and it is revered in our legends as unparalleled. In the days of old, Lycans ruled the supernaturals. There were none stronger. We’ve evolved over the centuries to accommodate man, and have lost some of those great abilities.” My dad sounded tired as he added, “There is an old proverb among us that states, ‘He who holds the power of Lycan will be lord over all.’”
I was stunned into complete silence.
“I will be there in the morning. I will stop at the Safe House for an update from Tyler first. You are to stay in your apartment and you are not to leave. Do you understand me?”
“Jessica, that is a direct order.”
“I understand.”
“Hand the phone to James.”
I did.
I ran a wet washcloth over my face and rinsed the last of the smeared blood down the drain. I’d been avoiding the mirror. Trying to imagine what I looked like as a half wolf, half human didn’t come easily to me.
I squared my shoulders over the sink. It was now or never. The mess in my living room wasn’t going to wait indefinitely.
Lifting my head, I gazed into my reflection.
I looked like my normal self, only more worn out.
My hair was messy, falling everywhere, but it was back to my regular length. I had contusions all over, but they were healing fast. I leaned in closer and saw a violet fleck flash like a banked ember in the farthest reaches of my irises. Calling them yellow now would be silly. There was nothing yellow about them.
I had violet eyes.
Just like my father.
I hadn’t remembered to tell my father that bit of news, but my eye color was the last thing I’d been thinking about. I grimaced in the mirror. Lycan must’ve been a horrid sight. A wolf in its full animal form was the most unbelievably beautiful creature in the world. But half a wolf?
Likely the worst.
The most captivating wolf in the world was my father. The image of him in his true form had been as much a part of me as anything I could remember as a little girl. He was glorious—his fur dark as coal, towering above all others, strong and dangerous, but breathtakingly beautiful at the same time. Truly magnificent.
I stepped away from the mirror, tossing my shredded running shoes into the plastic bag I’d grabbed from under the kitchen sink. My clothes would soon follow.
I tied up the contents and opened the bathroom door and headed out into the new chaos.
“The coast is officially clear,” Nick declared, turning to prop my broken door in the jamb behind him as he and Danny came back in. The door had been unlocked, but knowing I was in danger, James hadn’t waited to see, he’d simply come through it. “We corralled your neighbors and ushered them back inside their apartments quickly.”
James and Tyler had rolled the dead body into one of my spare sheets, and were in the process of discussing the best way to remove it from my apartment.
Danny chuckled. “Yes, we told the lot of them out there in the hallway that we were having a huge party and it had gotten a little out of sorts. And they bought it hook, line, and sinker.”
Nick snorted. “They bought it after I told them to buy it.”
“The only other issue was the police outside, but Nicky here took care of that as well.” Danny slapped Nick on the back. “Mighty fine gift, persuasion is.”
“The police were here?” I asked in alarm.
“Relax, Jess.” Nick came over and put his hands on my shoulders. “It wasn’t Ray, and they were just here to investigate a ‘noise’ disturbance—not a gruesome werewolf killing. I convinced them they were at the wrong building. Everything’s fine now.”
“Thanks.” My wolf paced inside my mind. She and I were both still agitated. “We have to get him out of here quickly.” I glanced at the rolled-up corpse. “And then we have to figure out what the hell is going on—why he was even here in the first place. I’ve only been a werewolf for a day. It seems too quick to have someone after me already, almost like this guy had been sitting by the phone.”
“We need to bring him back to the Safe House so we can look into his identity and figure out what’s going on,” James said.
“Agreed,” Tyler said. “We’ll take him off the balcony. Danny and I’ll go down in front and you can drop him out to us.”
I raised an eyebrow and interjected, “Um, that seems a little on the unsubtle side, don’t you think? Tossing a body-shaped object off my balcony is bound to be noticed by someone.”